Tuesday 7 October 2008

Hari Raya Final Preparations (delayed update hehe)

A well travelled friend got us this seeds from his travel down under. We planted it a couple of days before Raya, and in a week it started to grow.

This is our flower planter near the entrance which, yes, we finally managed to plant something just a couple of days before Raya. Total spent... $30 for 5 pots of plants and 7 bags of black soil. Efforts? Priceless heheheh
Our three kids 'helped'

Another shot of the planter, with the three different coloured flowers - pink, white and blue. Oh, don't ask what flowers are they, cos we have no idea heheh  The flowers are Petunia (thanks Cuz Zulida). I'll probably (probably!) plant some more as borders to the driveway as I love to see the flowers bloom EVERY DAY

There they are again

The 'lampu cucul' in place

close up of the lampu cucul

Muhammad waiting for his uncle to play firecrackers

another close up


Shopaholic Mama said...

lampu cucul tu same dgn what we called here lampu laplip ke?

And seriously, what a biiiiiiiig field you have there...

Gembo said...

Shopper Mama - yup. we call lampu cucul - blinking lights heheh. got it so cheap from Miri (Malaysia city across the border)... only RM30 = B$13

Big field... Alhamdulillah. Can't wait for the grass to grow - dapat main football with the kids heheh

Mr G.
p/s kita open house this Friday, if by any chance u r in Brunei, please come ;-)

Rush Murad said...

Salam Aidilfitri to Gembo n family... lampu cucul, dalam bahasa Melayu standard apa ek? cepatnya those plants tumbuh...

Gembo said...

Mrs G:
Rush - Salam Aidilfitri to you too.. No idea what's the BM standard for lampu cucul or laplip (Shopper Mama punya version). Plants tu "instant" flowering..i.e. beli 'becos' dah berbunga.. The first flowering plant I've ever planted in my life..hmm..not much of a domestic diva but trying to get there..
Well, if u're in Brunei - just drop by ok..email me dulu k..