**This post was due on 16 Oct but due to problem of uploading photos, it has been in the draft folder for the past 3 weeks.... and as usual, overlooked.**
Most of the construction workers building my house are muslim Indonesians, and their boss had kindly given them a 3 days off, from Saturday to Monday (day 1 to 3 of Hari Raya), and they only started working today (4th raya). The non-muslims however continued to work during the raya festivities (except Sunday, the usual day-off), so there is still progress albeit a slow one.

I went there at 6pm with my son to look around and to take some shots. Some of the work done were plastering of my kids rooms' walls as well as installing the wood panels for the external ceiling. Tips? You may want to include ceiling fans as it is a cheaper alternative to switching on aircon all the time.
Latest Photo of House
Our stairs
Our Master Bedroom
Our Family Room
Our House from the other side